board member and communications chair.
board member and communications chair. communicate often with president, VP, and admin.
curate and schedule social media content across instagram and facebook platforms.
consulted and led redesign of website and logo
organized and planned bake sale fundraiser for Girls Write Now at Smorgasburg, Williamsburg
2020-2022 Secretary of Board
2021- Social Media 101 Digital Event
2021-Instagram Live Discussion with Akua Netty, CEO Berry Bissap
2020 Task Force member
2020 Event Host: Food Media Panel Discussion
2018- assisted Sarah Copeland for fundraiser event at Hops Petunia in Kingston, NY
2017 & 2019- assisted with various cooking demos
2018- helped organize and assist at fundraiser event hosted by chef JJ Johnson
2018- volunteer at Battle of Mediterranean Sicily VS.Greece dinner