NYWCA Member Logo.jpg


  • board member and communications chair.


  • board member and communications chair. communicate often with president, VP, and admin.

  • curate and schedule social media content across instagram and facebook platforms.

  • consulted and led redesign of website and logo


  • organized and planned bake sale fundraiser for Girls Write Now at Smorgasburg, Williamsburg

2020-2022 Secretary of Board

2021- Social Media 101 Digital Event

2021-Instagram Live Discussion with Akua Netty, CEO Berry Bissap

2020 Task Force member

2020 Event Host: Food Media Panel Discussion

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2018- assisted Sarah Copeland for fundraiser event at Hops Petunia in Kingston, NY

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2017 & 2019- assisted with various cooking demos


2018- helped organize and assist at fundraiser event hosted by chef JJ Johnson

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2018- volunteer at Battle of Mediterranean Sicily VS.Greece dinner